Monday, July 14, 2014

My Neighborhood

I took a walk around my senior gated neighborhood with my 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 lens set on manual mode.  I need to learn how to find all my buttons and dials so as to adjust shutter speed, aperture, and ISO while looking through the viewfinder.  So I strolled about and shot photos of the interesting yard decorations and do-dads. I was on the 2nd street in my own little world when the manager drove up to me in her golf cart. She told me that the office had received 3 phone calls reporting a suspicious woman walking around the neighborhood talking pictures with a "real camera" (as opposed to a cell phone camera I suppose.) Was I looking to rob someone? Was I zooming into people's windows?

I told Kaye what I was doing and said I would share the photos with the residents somehow someway. So yesterday I made 16 X 20 posters at Costco which are now hanging proudly in the community center. Of course these 2 posters barely scratch the surface in showing off the wonderful lawn decorations and flowers blooming now. I'll have to get out and shoot some more.

And I sure do need lots more practice finding my dials and buttons and coordinating my thumb and fingers. Go ahead and laugh kids...